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Optical Expressions Blog

Learn more about optometrist care in our blog!

Flashes of Light in Vision from Harmless to Worrisome

Summer is Persied season in Vermont. It’s actually Persied season everywhere, but Vermonters can’t help but throw another season into the mix whenever we can! The Persied meteor shower is one of nature’s…

Summer Thunderstorms and Seeing Rainbows

Summer in Vermont is that short sliver of a season when everyone gloriously basks in the sun, soaks up that unparalleled pond life, and runs for cover when those tempestuous summer thunderstorms come barreling through...

Vitamin EYE – Nutrients and Diet for Eye Health

At some point in all our lives we’ll hear our doctor say, “You know, you really should be taking a daily multivitamin.” The simple fact is that as people age, they tend to reduce their overall consumption and absorption of necessary vitamins and minerals...

Mirror, Mirror on the Wall… The Vision Test Mystery Solved

It’s interesting that SNELLEN is very nearly a palindrome; a word spelled the same forward and backward. But before we get to that, what’s a Snellen, you might ask…

March Madness – Eyecare/eyewear Edition

Technically speaking, March Madness has just ended; the Final Four and the Championship are set to ring at the beginning of April. In other words, it’s spring...

5 Most Common Eye Care Mistakes

Your eyes may see what’s right in front of you, but ultimately your eyes don’t make the decisions! You wear the pants in that relationship, and unless you’re thinking with your eyes in mind, you may not be making choices with your eyes’ best interests at heart...

All Eyes on Black History Month

It’s not that an inordinate amount of attention is paid to the history of optics and optometry principally from a white perspective, it’s not that a lot of attention is paid to the history of optics and optometry at all...

New Year’s Visual Resolution: 2023 Megapixel Edition

Visual resolution is the ability of the human eye to see fine spatial detail. Suffice it to say, the human eye, though not the most complex eye in the natural world, is quite astonishing in its capability and resolution...

Camouflage: Vision, Adaptation, and Thanksgiving Dinner

Clad head-to-toe in mossy oak camo with shocks of blaze orange, Vermont’s winter woods are now teeming with hunters patiently waiting, watching, and listening for a passing bear or buck...

Eye-Phone: Smartphone Vision Accessibility Features

How smart would your smartphone really be if only people with 20/20 vision could use it? Turns out, the designers of the most ubiquitous smartphone technologies out there, the Android and iPhone, thought a smartphone like that wouldn’t be very smart at all...